1. See the lies Hillary is telling us (we the people).
2. Then you will see how close and upfront, and out spoken Trump (who is one of us). A businessmanMAKING MONEY, which we the people in America need right?
3. The truth hurts and we try to ignore it, that is why Trump is upfront and out spoken and lets us know the truth of what is going on with America now.
4. He wants we the people and himself to make America great again.
5. Look at all the illegal aliens we have here now. All the terror that has happened here in America. Do we really want this to keep going? I say Hell No!
6. Jobs are getting very hard to find and some of the employers are hiring illegal aliens at a low price per hour and they are taking our jobs away from us. Do you still want that to go on? Hell no!
7. We have elderly standing in food lines and living under bridges. If this keeps up, where are we all going to be in 5 years?
8. We need Trump to bring business jobs back to America. What he tells is the truth and we the people need to stand up and vote for Trump. So we the people and Trump can make America Great Again.
Source : http://Via Departed
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